Declaration of Faith

  1. We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God and completely inerrant in their original writings. They are the ultimate and final authority in faith and Christian living.
  2. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And the Father is, the Almighty God who created and sustains the whole universe.
  3. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was begotten of the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary. He is true God and true man. He was crucified, died and buried for the atonement of sin. He rose again from the dead on the third day, and ascended bodily into heaven as our Priest and Advocate. He will return bodily to earth.
  4. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the triune Godhead. He is the Comforter who guides and inspires us to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. He leads and enlightens us in understanding God’s Word and He also guides and inspires our daily walk with God.
  5. We believe that man was created in the image of God. Man sinned and fell, thereby incurring not only physical death but also that spiritual death which is separation from God. All mankind is born with a sinful nature. We believe that all who repent of their sins and receive by faith Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord are born of the Holy Spirit and thereby become the children of God.


  • 三位一體的真神。聖父是創造宇宙萬有的真神。
  • 聖子耶穌本是與神同等,降世為人。因聖靈感孕,由童貞女馬利亞所生,在十字架上捨命救贖世人的罪。因祂的刑罰使人得平安,因祂的鞭傷使人得醫治。耶穌第三天從死裡復活、升天,如今坐在全能父神右邊,將來必再來審判世界。
  • 聖靈是一位內住於信徒的神,聖靈充滿能帶給信徒過聖潔生活及事奉神的能力。
  • 人的得救是因信稱義。在末日的審判時,信與不信的都要復活,信者得永生,不信者永遠滅亡。
  • 教會是基督的身體。從使徒時代直到如今,我們同屬一個身體,見證神的榮耀。


我們將透過跟隨基督(Devotion) 、委身教會(Dedication) ,專注於門徒訓練(Discipleship) ,來完成主耶穌所交託我們的大使命。



(一) 聖潔導向,榮耀的教會
希伯來書 12:14:『你們要追求與眾人和睦,並要追求聖潔;非聖潔沒有人能見主。』

(二 ) 更新導向,復興的教會
羅馬書 12:2 :『不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為神的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。』

(三) 平衡導向,健康的教會
傳道書 7:18 :『你持守這個為美,那個也不要鬆手;因為敬畏 神的人,必從這兩樣出來。』

(四) 合一導向,團隊的教會
傳道書 4:12:『有人攻勝孤身一人,若有二人便能敵擋他;三股合成的繩子不容易折斷。』

(五) 外展導向,植宣的教會
馬太福音 28:19-20 :『 所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。 凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。』

(六) 僕人導向,服務的教會

(七) 國度導向,轉化的教會
馬太福音 6:10 : 『願你的國降臨;願你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。』



政 治:我們要常常為所在地的國家及政治領袖禱告,也尊重每個人的政治立場;但請不要在教會及小組中,從事政治活動或發表個人立場言論,避免引發不必要的衝突或對立。

奉 獻:這是每位基督徒蒙福的途徑及應盡的責任(瑪拉基書三10);但若還不是基督徒,可以不奉獻; 我們竭誠歡迎您早日成為主的兒女,在奉獻中蒙福。

推 銷:我們尊重基金、保險、理財、直銷等職場從業人員,他們可以在初入教會及小組時,簡單介紹 自己的職業,但不宜主動或強力向組員推銷,若兄姊有需要,由弟兄姊妹自願性地來主動詢問或購買。

借 貸:我們鼓勵會友見到其他弟兄姊妹在衣食上短缺時,甘心樂意資助;會友間若有借貸或其他金錢來往時,純屬個人行為,當自負責任,最好於借貸前先詢問小組長、及牧者的意見。
