Shalom !

Well we have just finished our 2nd week here in the Philippines, we have completed more than 28 programs in which over half are divine appointments, each one hour of teaching, also counseling with the pastor and church elders, it seems that everything we have done is a witness to the people even in the little communities as they heard that we have been at other places and they want to know why we haven’t come to their communities, so we go, please keep up the prayers, all of your prayers are being answered. We ask that you pray that we don’t grow weary in this mission, and that my voice holds up! There are no microphones and each message is basically yelled so I have been yelling for more than 28 hours.

This morning I was reading a devotional article and it was about prayer and I would like to share it with you as I sense that prayer has been the focus of our letters for the past several weeks.

Sometimes our prayers are filled more with doubt than with confidence. We know that for God to answer our requests, our prayers must be in line with His will. However, wondering if we are praying according to His will can trick us, and faced, as we are confronted, with the uncertainties, we will occasionally fall silent in our praying.

God’s will is for each one of us to have a healthy relationship with Him through His son, our Messiah. That means knowing the father with increasing intimacy and progressively becoming more and more like Yeshua. By focusing our prayers on having this type of relationship with the Lord, it becomes easier for us to know what to pray. In your reading, you can  simply find something about God’s character, and pray that for others as well as for yourself. The results are..

  • You can pray with confidence because God wants His children to be like Yeshua His son.


  • You can pray expectantly because you know He will work out his will in our lives.


  • You can cooperate( I like that word CO- Operate, work together) with the Holy Spirit while He works (wants) to develop the same quality in you.


Prayer is not a game of “I Spy,” where we have to guess when to talk to the Lord or about what. Scripture is full of God’s attributes and His desires for our lives. Pick one and start praying. Then watch what God does in response. Prayer gains access to the proud spirit, to the hardened heart, to the unbelieving mind; there are no walls too high or too thick for Him to breach. So pray in God’s will and watch lives changed-especially your own. God bless you !


Ps. Michael & Jeannie